• "We are already seeing the cost savings from becoming a ForestFit certified forest contracting business.  We received lower insurance rates and better financing. Our broker said that being a certified business was recognised as lowering our risk profile.  

    Though as a Director the biggest value of being ForestFit certified is that I sleep better at night knowing we have the right systems in place that are annually audited by an independent third party."

    Ian Reid, Austimber Harvesting and Haulage

ForestFit™ Certification

Setting the Standard for forest contracting businesses, ForestFit is working with forest growers to develop a national optimal auditing pathway.

Scopes and Standards

ForestFit has also established five certification scopes that are related to the nature of operations of a forestry business:

  • Harvest
  • Haulage
  • Civil 
  • Silviculture 
  • Minor forest products (eg biomass, woodchip, firewood).

Certification scopes identify which operations of certified business have been assessed to the selected ForestFit Standards.  This also ensures that applicants/certificate holders are assessed with criteria specific to the risk profile of the business as identified by their scope(s).

The ForestFit Standard is comprised of four certification standards that have been established by grouping together certification criteria that have a common theme, topic or focus area. 

For many small and medium sized business, where appropriate, the system of policies, procedures and processes governing work health and safety and environment are streamlined into one. Participants choosing to certify to both Standard 3 Work Health and Safety and Standard 4 Environmental Practices would benefit from the streamlined process which combines the criteria to avoid duplication.

Alignment with international standards 

The general requirements of the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 9001, 14001 and 45001 were utilised to ensure the ForestFit criteria were developed with a risk based approach for management systems and further contextualised for forest contracting businesses suitability. 

ForestFit Standards and Certification scheme were also developed to align with the principles of Responsible Wood and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards utilised within the Australian forest industry.  ForestFit has a 'deemed to comply' relationship with Responsible Wood and is working with FSC to establish a similar relationship.   

ForestFit Portal

The ForestFit web-based portal (Portal) provides participants with support and resources to manage every step of their certification process.

The information and resources have different access levels:

  • Public - anyone can access the Certified Business Register, FAQ and Communication forms
  • Portal User - requires email address for two step authentication to access detailed information regarding certification process including application and management (eg Standards criteria)
  • ForestFit Registered User - Resources for businesses undertaking identified certification (eg Readiness Assessment). 

General Requirements

The General Requirements Standards is the only mandatory standard and sets out the requirements that all ForestFit participants must adhere to.

The intent is to confirm that all participants have robust systems and processes to maintain compliance with legal requirements related to business registration, insurances, financial management and reporting, and employment law.

Business Sustainability

The Business Sustainability Standard sets out the requirements for operating a viable and sustainable business.

The intent is to confirm that participants have robust systems and processes in place to ensure quality service delivery and continuous improvement practices. 

​Work health and Safety

The WHS Standard sets out the work health and safety requirements for participants.

The intent is to confirm that participants have robust systems and processes to maintain compliance with work, health and safety legislation and support them continually improve their health and safety practices.

STANDARD 4 Environmental Practices

The Environmental Practices Standard sets out the environmental requirements for participants.

The intent is to confirm that participants have robust systems and processes to maintain compliance with client, customer or regulatory requirements and support them continually improve their environmental practices. 

What people are saying...


Resource Centre and Certified Register

The ForestFit Resource Centre has been established to provide guidance, factsheets and templates to support forest businesses in achieving certification. Where practicable guidance, templates documents and evidence have been developed to support documentation and evidence requirements of the standards. These have been categorised by standard.

The Certification Standards that applicants are certified against will be listed on their ForestFit certificate and the ForestFit Certified Business Register.  The latest version of the certification standards and criteria can be found on the ForestFit portal.